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Permanent Makeup

Permanent Makeup is not recommended for clients who are or have.
Pmu / Pre- care instructions
  • It is recommended to eat something before your appointment to make sure your blood sugar level stays stable during the procedure.
  • No excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption 24 hours before your procedure.
  • Avoid suntanning one week prior to the procedure.
  • Avoid blood thinning medications for 24 hours before the procedure. This includes aspirin, Niacin ( vitamin B3), vitamin E or Advil/ibuprofen, Flaxseed and fish oil tablets. Please consult your physician if this is an issue.
  • For eyeliner procedure eyelash extensions should be removed three days prior to the procedure. No eyelash perm and or tinting at least three days. Eyelash growth serum‘s like Latisse bring extra circulation to the lash line area would result in more growth of hair/lashes. This can cause the skin to be hypersensitive and read easily. It is recommended to discontinue the use of these products at least 3 to 6 months before the procedure. Do not wear any I make up on the day of your appointment. If you were contact lenses, please wear glasses on the day of your appointment.
  • Discontinue Retin-A one month prior to the procedure.
  • No use of Botox for a period of at least 4 weeks prior, to any area that will be worked upon.
  • You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
Eyeliner Permanent Makeup – ideal clients
Ideal candidates for eyeliner tattooed.
Eyeliner tattoo has been one of the most popular services in the PMU industry and it is convenient way to save time in the morning but not having to apply I make up this service can be recommended to clients who are
  1. Allergic to or sensitive to most I make up
  2. Looking for smudge resistant, long-lasting eyeliner.
  3. Seeking to enhance the size of eyes.
  4. An active lifestyle and does not want to go out bare-eyed.
  5. No eyelashes for any medical reason.
  6. Issue applying I make up due to poor I vision
Eyeliner Pmu client post care instructions
  • splash your eyes with water in the wash of any pigment residue immediately after the procedure. Pat dry gently with a clean tissue.
  • What’s the skin around the eyes twice a day (morning at night )using a gentle, unscented soap like (Cetaphil or baby shampoo). Use your fingertips to cleanse gently and pat with a clean tissue.
  • Apply ointment 2 to 3 times a day for up to seven days for thick Eyeliner. 
  • Scabs will take about 7-10 days to peel off. Do not pick up this cops are peel them of prematurely.
  • Swelling and redness is normal for the first few days.
  • Slight stinging sensation in the first few days is also normal.
  • The color will fade approximately 30 to 50% lighter when the scabs fall off. This is completely normal. Do not feel discouraged if the fading is more than you expected.
  • To achieve the perfect eyeliner, we need to see how your skin accept the initial application and the touchup appointment is where we will perfect the shape and color.
  • No I make up is allowed until the scabs completely fall off.
  • Avoid sweaty exercises such as hot saunas, hot yoga, and swimming until this coming comes off.
  • The eyeliner will start to form scabs and they might look dark and thick. As the skin heals, this scabs will fall off in the random pieces and might look patchy.
  • Flaking and crusting on the tattoo area may occur.
  • avoid pooling of the scabs that are dried on the lashes.
  • When you try to pull of the scabs that are hanging on your lashes, ensure the scabs are soft enough to slide of from the lashes. Use a mascara brush to help remove the scabs.
  • swelling occurs after three days after the procedure, especially in the morning.
  • Exercising the ice can help reduce swelling and puffiness. Try blinking actively for two minutes in the morning.
  • To relieve swelling, you can ice the area with soft gel ice packs. 
Eyeliner Post Procedure Healing Process
Day 1-3
  • Eyes feel sore and heavy. Redness of the eye can also occur.
  • Swelling a cures up to three days after the procedure, especially in the morning.
  • The eyeliner will start to form scabs and they may look dark and thick.
Day 4-5 
  • Swelling should be reduced and eyes begin to feel normal.
  • Flaking and crusting of the eyeliner may occur.
  • The skin around the eyes may feel dry and itchy.
  • Scabs peel off in random pieces and look patchy.
  • The areas without the scabs may look lighter in color.
Day 6-14 
  • scabs continue to peel off and some scabs are either hanging or dried out on the lashes.
  • 70-100% of scabs should fall off during this time. 
  • Color looks very light and the shape may look thinner.
  • Some areas may have lost more color compared to other areas.
Day 14-28 
  • Color gradually darkens as the skin is completely healed.

Microblading, Combo Brows & Powder Brows Post-care

The Day of the Procedure
For the brows to heal properly and with the best final result, remember that the care after the procedure is just as important as the procedure itself.
It’s very important to follow your specialist post care recommendations. It is normal for the brows to be more intense right after the procedure and the pigmented area to be a bit red.
On the first day after the procedure the brows might seem dark and looking overdrawn. Don’t worry, this is only temporary.
DAY 1-3
Wipe your brows with dampened cotton pad (with distilled water or previously boiled and cooled water) thoroughly twice a day  with the hairs to remove the excess of lymph and prevent it from forming a thick scab. Your brows might be slightly itchy. You may also experience some feeling of pulling. Attention!!! Remember not to apply any cosmetics or makeup.
DAY 4-7
The brows start to peel at the end and at the beginning of the brows. The itching is a normal sign of the healing process. Don’t scratch the treated area to avoid removing the scabs.
Apply a thin layer of the provided ointment to cleaned eyebrows with a Q-tip. The fronts of the brows should be subtle and transparent, you shouldn’t see a well-highlighted border.
DAY 7-8
The scabs Shouldn’t be visible anymore.If you see any remains of it, just keep on applying post care ointment on that area. Don’t scratch it off. Remember it takes 2 weeks for eyebrows to heal.and 4 weeks to see final results from the day of the procedure.
Advice for All Skin Types
After treatment, you should not stay too long in the shower ( more than 15 min) in first 2 days. When our skin is too long under warm water, the pores will start to open and this can have an effect on the pigment retention. It can also happen that some skin types have lymph even on the second day. If you see this, you should take wet cotton pads and clean your eyebrows. Or wash them again only with water.

Lip Blush

Post Procedure
Keep in mind that a permanent make-up treatment is an invasive procedure.
Right after a permanent make-up procedure  of the lips, there might be a swelling. It is a temporary state that passes through quickly (in the first 24 hours after the procedure). The lips right after the procedure are more expressive, the colour is intense. It might seem they come off too strong . Remember that in 7 days epidermis will peel off and the make-up will be 20-50% lighter. according to the colour of the pigment.
The final colour will be visible 4 weeks after the treatment.
Pre & Post Care Instructions
If you suffer from cold sores, you must complete your antiviral medication to prevent an outbreak.
Immediately following the procedure lips may feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch.
Use a straw when drinking and avoid salty or spicy food if your lips feel tender for the first few days. Don’t touch, bite, scratch your lips- touching or scratching may cause irritation, infection and loss of pigment. Do not get toothpaste on your lips. It’s a good idea to brush your teeth with just water for 72 hours post procedure.Do not bleach your teeth until your lips are fully healed. Avoid exercise for at least 2-5 days after your treatment due to sweating.
It takes 5-10 days for the lips to heal after lip blushing procedure. Be aware that the colour will vary quite a lot during the healing process before reaching the final result.
Remember to place nothing on the treated area (except your aftercare product) until lips are healed. This means no makeup, creams, water(except for cleansing as detailed below)
After your procedure your skin will start to forming a protective scab. You may see fluidor ooze on the skin from lymph secretion. The fluid should be dabbed and blotted off with a sterile gauze pad or kleenex. It can crust the skin over and prevent it from breathing and healing.
After 24 hours, clean the treated area daily with mild warm water and non-alcohol soap. Apply soapy solution to a cotton pad and pad 4-5 times to clean. Theen blot completely dry with kleenex. Use patting motions only. No scrubbing, no rubbing, no wiping, no scratching.
Lips will ooze for a couple of days and peel for a week or so. After sleeping, the crust will have dried on the lips. Blot with water. Clean and apply aftercare product as directed. Try not to disturb the crust when cleaning and let it fall off by itself. Picking and pulling off skin that is not ready to come off will cause pigment loss and can pull out deeper tissue.

The edges or lip liner will be the last to fall off. Pulling this off will result in an uneven splotchy line or an indented scar.
Apply aftercare product on the clean and dry treated area. Place ointment on the scabs that are beginning to form. If you place ointment on the area and it is not dry, this may cause irritation or an infection and could lead to colour loss.
Keep your lips moist all the times with the aftercare product. After approximately 3 weeks after the procedure when no more scabs are present, discontinue the aftercare product. Begin to apply sunblock appropriate for lips to protect the pigment.

What to Expect

Day 1:
These lips have swelling, are tender, and have a heavy, thick lipstick look with a reddish-brick color. For the first few days, the color is darker than it will appear when healed.

Day 2:
These lips have slight swelling, are reddish in color, are tender, and have a slight metallic taste.

Day 3:
These lips have less swelling, a thicker texture, are orange, are sore, and have a hot feeling. They are pre-exfoliation.

Day 4:
Exfoliation begins with very chapped lips. The color will become lighter as the epidermis sloughs off. It will appear that lips have lost all of their color during this phase of healing; however, when lips have healed completely, the dermal layer will gradually become darker.

Day 5:
These lips are very chapped, but are nearly finished with the chapping phase of healing.

Day 6:
During this phase, a soft, rich color begins to appear in the lips.

Day 7-13:
During this phase, lip color disappears and the frosty second chapping phase begins as a whitish, gray haze on the lips.

Day 14:
Color blooms from within more and more each day until day 21 ( which is 3 weeks post-procedure).

Day 21:
Healing is complete. The lip color you see is the color that you have. Your lips will remain a bit dry for a month or two. Use a good lip balm, and they will return to normal with full color.